Mattia Biagi, known for his work in tar covered objects, changes course in this series to explore a more direct, tactile, raw exploration of material and form. Rather than covering objects, these works are created from primal dust and gesture, nothingness formed into being. Hands can’t touch hot tar, but by working in raw plaster, Biagi is able to create form directly by sculpting it, representing a return to the body’s expressiveness and the desire to create meaning and being from one’s own hands.
Mattia Biagi was born in northern Italy in 1974 and currently resides in Los Angeles, CA. The dynamics of transformation is a driving concept and process behind Biagi’s work. His early work explored the transformative power of coating everyday objects with layers of black tar, an art punk aesthetic of recontextualizing familiar objects and subverting longstanding symbols of culture and domestic life. In contrast to covering objects, his latest works represent a different kind of transformation, of something from nothing.